Archive | December 2010

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

In these times of financial uncertainty & incredible pressures, sometimes we all tend to get stuck in a place of fear, unable to move forward. We should remind ourselves that we are empowered by our thoughts, and thus our thoughts dictate certain outcomes. We should find the courage within to embrace this life and see it as a wonderment; each day an adventure waiting to be discovered.

Lots of Laughs with Mark Lapinski’s Creative Mojo Show :)))))

On Wednesday I appeared on Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski and as usual, it was a blast! Mark’s quick witted sense of humor always has me laughing like a hyena, from suspect Brazilian Waxing to the complex world of relationships between sisters, Mark covers the gamut. I want to thanks the listeners who called in to speak to me. Who new quilting could be so naughty and nice! Thanks Mark for inviting me to co-host 😀

For those of you who didn’t’ get a chance to listen to it live, you can still log on to iTunes or and download the show Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski