Archive | December 2015



2015 was a roller coaster year for me with many exciting opportunities like my appearance on Telemundo & the many changes in my life that have ensued. I want to thank all of you for being a part of it. For my friends & family (which for me they’re one in the same) who are a blessing to me. Yet, in my work as a medium I come across such loss & sadness that it puts my small problems in perspective. So, for all of you who got knocked down by adversity & loss, may you gather the strength to rise up from the ashes and create a exceedingly happier & joyful 2016! Wishing you all a blessed & beautiful New Year! God Bless!

El Misterio Del Cofre de Tesoro Revelado!

Mi clienta Diana al fin abrió el cajón de su mamá fallecida y encontró el vestido de novia de su mamá junto con el velo y vestidito, gorrita y botitas de bebé. Que casualudad que su hija y sobrina se casan en unos meses! Ella piensa que su mamá también sabe el sexo del primer nieto! Gracias Diana por las fotos ❤️

UPDATE: Mother’s Treasure Chest Contents REVEALED!

*Here’s an UPDATE update on the locked Treasure Chest*On an earlier post I wrote about doing a group reading for Diane Miseo and friends. In the session, her mother came through talking about a chest/trunk that Diane had. Indeed the chest was in the basement but Diane had yet to unlock it to reveal it’s contents. Well here it is! Apparently, Diane felt that her mom was acknowledging her daughter’s and niece’s upcoming weddings…and maybe the sex of her her first gandchild!!! Thanks for posting Diane!